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Polymorphism allows a method of a class to be called in many formats means

Polymorphism is the ability for class to provide different implimentations of methods that are called by the same name . Polymorphism allows a method of a class to be called in many formats means  One
function behaves in different forms.In other words, "Many forms of a single object is called

Real-world Example of Polymorphism
Example 1:
A teacher behaves students.
A teacher behaves his/her seniors.
Here teacher is an object but the attitude is different in different situations.
Example 2
A person behaves the son in a house at the same time that the person behaves an employee in an office.
Example 3
Your mobile phone, one name but many forms:

  • As phone
  • As camera
  • As mp3 player
  • As radio

Polymorphism Implementation:
Let’s understand some basic. If  a class A inherited by a class B

class A
          public void MethodA()



class B
          public void MethodB()



Then it is legal to write

A   a = new B();

And we ca write


But it is incorrect to write
     a.MethodB();          //error

Understanding methods with same name in the Base class and Derived class:

In Shape class , let’s defined a Draw() method that   draws shapes on screen.

class Shape
          public void Draw()
           Console.WriteLine(“ Drawing Shape…”);



We inherit another class Circle from the Shape Class, which also contain a method Draw().

class Circle : Shape
          public void Draw()
           Console.WriteLine(“ Drawing Circle…”);



Here , we have Draw() method with the same signature in both the Shape and the Circle classes. Now in our Main method, we wtrite

static void Main()
Circle the circle =new Circle();

Circle’s Draw() method is called and program will (expectedly) display with warning the Draw() in the Circle hides the inherited Draw() method of Shape class.

Output:  Drawing Circle…

If we write in Main Methd

Shape theShape =new Circle();

Shapes Draw() method is called and program will disply

Output :     Drawing Shape…

Overriding Methods – virtual and override keyword:
if we want to override the  Draw() method of Shape class in the Circle class, we have to mark the Draw() method in the Shape(base) class as virtual and the Draw() method in the Circle(derived) class as override.

class Shape
          public virtual void Draw()
           Console.WriteLine(“ Drawing Shape…”);



class Circle : Shape
          public override void Draw()
           Console.WriteLine(“ Drawing Circle…”);



Now we write in Main Methd

Shape theShape =new Circle();

Circles Draw() method is called and program will disply

Output :     Drawing Circle…

Since we have overridden the derived class method making the base class method as virtual.

The new Keyword
If in circle class , we do not want to override the Draw() method , but we need to have a Darw() method, then marked the circle class method as new and shape class method as virtual.

class Shape
          public virtual void Draw()
           Console.WriteLine(“ Drawing Shape…”);



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